Your story, unbound

When we meet, you'll share your journey - the path that led you here. Tell it your way. I'll be there to honour your story and listen, without judgment. I trust you’ve made the best of what you’ve found along the way.

Then, we'll do something simple yet profound: set that story aside. Just for a moment. We'll look at life from a different angle - one free from the weight of your past or the pull of your future. I will try to help you remember what it feels like to be where concepts, beliefs and every word we use, have no weight at all.

Note: With your permission, we'll record our talk. If you're comfortable, it may be shared to help others.

What happens next

There's no script for what follows. Some people carry on as usual. Most find their outlook shifts radically. A few might leave their old story behind entirely. There's no right or wrong way - just what naturally unfolds for you.

This new view can take time to settle in. That's completely normal. It’s possible that your mind will try tricking you into thinking you’ve lost something. Whatever you’ve felt during a session will never really leave you though. You're welcome to book more sessions or join our community for support. Don’t worry, it’s all good.

Remember, this isn't about reaching a final destination. It's about seeing clearly what's already here.


The ideas expressed in Remind Guide's meetings, events, videos, and content are for entertainment and general information purposes only. Remind Guide is not a counseling service, and our facilitators are not counselors, therapists, teachers, doctors, or any kind of authority. It is understood that any participant's response or reaction to these communications is entirely and only a product of their own interpretation and their own responsibility. Ideas expressed by Remind Guide should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice, mental health treatment, or professional help. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

By participating in our sessions or using our content, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.