There's nothing special about me or what I've experienced. Sure, I'm a unique expression of life, but so are you. If you're looking for a spiritual guru or a non-duality speaker, you might want to reconsider. I'm simply a guide, and hopefully, a friend.

I've been where many of you are now - a hardcore seeker exploring every spiritual avenue. It was an intense, confusing and desperate journey. A pivotal moment came through my encounter with Emerson Non-Duality, who holds a special place in my heart. He played a crucial role in helping me see beyond my habitual thought patterns - or any thoughts, for that matter.

Something extraordinary yet utterly natural happened. There was a shift - sudden, surprising, and profoundly familiar. It was like remembering an original state I'd never truly forgotten. Seeking fell away, and I found myself immersed in a clarity that had always been there, hiding in plain sight.

This transformed my entire experience. I discovered a peace beyond understanding. Thoughts still come, but they no longer have any pull. Emotions arise, but they never linger. It's both exhilarating and deeply peaceful. The world hasn't changed, but my perception of it has shifted dramatically. Everything is infused with a sense of aliveness and immediacy.

This isn't about achieving some lofty spiritual state. It's about remembering what we've always been - simple, clear, and astonishingly ordinary. This clarity, this peace - it's available to all of us, waiting to be recognized.

Before we begin, it's important to understand: this isn't really about me.

This is about you:

Enlightenment Seekers

You've been on the spiritual path for years now. It started with that one eye-opening book or an unexpected glimpse. Since then, you've immersed yourself in countless teachings - from modern gurus to ancient wisdom traditions. Your bookshelves are lined with non-dual authors, and youtube surprises you with a new speaker every day. You've explored it all: meditation, self-inquiry, the radical approaches & traditional methods. Every week brings a new teacher, a new perspective that promises to be the key. Despite this seeming progress you are more lost than ever. The seeking has become an obsession, a spiritual addiction. But what if the answer isn't in the next book or video? What if it's in letting go of all you think you know?

Abstract lines forming multiple vortexes
Abstract circle symbol

Existential Wanderers

You've done everything society told you to do. Built a career, maybe started a family. On paper, your life looks fine. Still, there's this gnawing emptiness inside. You can't shake the feeling that there should be more to life than this. You've always felt destined for something greater, something profound. But here you are, stuck in the ordinary, waiting for real life to begin. You've tried filling the void in different ways but the unease persists. You're haunted by questions of meaning, purpose, and what happens after we die. You're caught between lamenting the past and anxiously awaiting a future that never arrives. But what if the key isn't in finding the next big thing or a new life philosophy? What if it's in facing that void head-on?

Abstract lines forming a vortex

Psychedelic Explorers

You've journeyed to the edges of consciousness with tryptamines, psilocybin, cannabis and other potent compounds. These experiences have shown you incredible things, but integrating them remains a challenge. You struggle to imagine equally profound insights without chemical catalysts. But what if the key isn't in the content of these trips, but in recognizing who's having them? Whether you're dissolving into the universe or simply watching a sunset, your essence remains unchanged. The mystical states and everyday life are equally part of the grand illusion. What if clarity doesn't require another trip, but simply a shift in perspective?

What we’re talking about seems completely universal, absolutely inclusive, really accessible to everyone. Come to think of it, it is truly inconceivable that such a phenomenon can exist persistently unnoticed. Don’t hesitate to book a chat so that I can remind you of the obviousness you keep missing.