Clarity sometimes arrives unexpectedly. In these moments, thoughts fade, and insights emerge from nowhere. There's a natural urge to capture and share these glimpses. Sometimes, a clear train of thought presents itself, ready to be expressed. These often end up as scribbles on napkins, notes in a phone, or words traced in beach sand. This blog is where I share some of these moments, without agenda or purpose. There's no new knowledge here – just a natural sharing of thoughts. As you read, you might recognize something familiar, a reminder of what you already know.

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Hide and seek
Marcin Durawa Marcin Durawa

Hide and seek

I've been contemplating how we lose ourselves in the mundane moments of life, how we fail to recognize the immediate directness of our true nature in these everyday experiences. It's so easy to get caught up in the internal dialogue, isn't it? That constant chatter that keeps us in a state of perpetual seeking, of dissatisfaction, of feeling that this experience, right here and now, isn't quite enough.

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Secret awakening energy
Marcin Durawa Marcin Durawa

Secret awakening energy

I don't talk about consciousness being everything there is, I don't discuss deities or chakras, nor do I concern you with anything supernatural. This time is a little bit different because I'm going to mention a great and invisible force that is to be reckoned with. An overarching energy that defines large chunks of your everyday experience. It's this powerful force that is both a barrier to your natural state as well as a tool to maintain it, if applied properly.

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Absolute sobriety
Marcin Durawa Marcin Durawa

Absolute sobriety

Now, this might sound disappointing at first. I know it did for me when I first heard it from Emerson. After all, aren't we all chasing some form of transcendence? But the thing is this sobriety isn't about giving up on a dream and feeling let down. It's about waking up from all dreams, including the persistent one that life is somehow going to be radically different "when we get there."

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No going back
Marcin Durawa Marcin Durawa

No going back

You might have moments where you feel you've lost it, where you're desperately trying to cling to old beliefs or ways of being. But these attempts at denial are themselves arising in the vast space of your true nature. The very act of trying to escape is happening within that which you're trying to escape from.

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Never settle
Marcin Durawa Marcin Durawa

Never settle

Never settle on a word or a belief that claims to fully capture what this is. Don't call it "oneness" and think you've understood it all. Don't label it as "emptiness" and believe you've grasped its entirety. It's not even accurate to call it "nowhere," because it's somehow between nowhere and everywhere, inhabiting a space our minds struggle to comprehend, or at all access.

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How to live
Marcin Durawa Marcin Durawa

How to live

Even if there's no grand purpose to life, I believe we can choose to live it thoughtfully and gracefully. Whether we truly have a choice in this is another question entirely. You will soon see for yourself that, at some point, all notion of free will disappears completely as you flow seamlessly with all of life.

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Reading alone might not suffice