Finding this

When we meet, something remarkably simple happens. Amid the busy noise of life - phones buzzing, thoughts racing, obligations looming - we pause. Without techniques or special preparations, we look directly at what's already here.

For many people, this recognition feels oddly familiar. "Oh," they often say, "this is it?" It's like remembering something so obvious that daily life made them forget it was even there. In that moment of seeing, years of accumulated spiritual concepts simply fall away.

During our sessions, this recognition happens several times. Each return makes it more natural, like learning to ride a bike. You're not gaining anything new - you're simply becoming familiar with what was always here. The recognition starts to feel like coming home, accessible without effort or striving.

People often ask about having multiple sessions. That's exactly the point. Each visit dissolves another layer of hesitation until finding your way becomes instinctive. At first, you might doubt whether you can find this clarity on your own. But just as you don't need instructions to know you're alive right now, you begin to trust your natural ability to recognize what's already here.

The recognition grows spontaneous, appearing naturally in ordinary moments - while washing dishes, during meetings, or stuck in traffic. No special state needed, no particular circumstances required. It's available whether you're calm or agitated, focused or scattered.

What we discover isn't a state to maintain or an experience to chase. It's the simple recognition of what never changed - before concepts, before seeking, before any spiritual journey began. Always here, always now, as immediate as this breath.

In our sessions, we're not adding anything to your experience. We're simply clearing away the hesitation to see what's obviously here. Each return strengthens this natural recognition until it becomes your most familiar place.


Everyday Nothingness